Head to the Book a Trial page and get signed up. 


If you have been referred by a Physiotherapist/Physical Therapist, GP or other healthcare professional because of an injury, go to the book a consult form and we’ll call you to discuss your injury and where the best starting place is for you.  You can call us or email us directly either on 01-505-4584 or info@finesse.ie.

You will need to be able to move freely and may also break a sweat, so we recommend comfortable fitting workout clothes that absorb sweat and allow you stretch without any restrictions and also it may be useful to bring a small sweat towel with you and a water bottle. 

For hygiene reasons we ask you to wear clean socks in class, grippy socks are preferable, but regular socks are fine. 

Our expert instructors will take you through everything you need to know in your Beginner’s Class. The machines themselves are super easy to use, but as you get more comfortable with them and your ability, the exercises get more challenging. PLEASE, make sure you book into a beginners class when booking your first class. 

Even if you have used The Pilates Reformer in other studios our instructors don’t know you or your ability level, so we ask that you book your first class as a beginner and we can assess where you and then place you at the appropriate level that we’re all happy with.

Head to our Book a Trial Page 


Book a consult – and we’ll call you to get you set up


Call or email us directly 01-505-4584, if you miss us leave a message we’ll call you back or email on info@finesse.ie

No, we do not offer casual drop in classes. We have our reasons for this. We are passionate about helping our clients create functional, balanced and pain free movement for themselves. We believe that consistency of practice is essential in that goal. We have lots of class packs or monthly membership options once you decide to commit to your goal to improve your overall health & well being. 


  • Access to or Online classes at no extra charge
  • A complimentary consultation if required, to assess the best place for you to start, please call to book
  • Follow ups and regular reviews of your progress
  • Home Care Plans to help reach your goal
  • Nutritional Guidance if sought after or required
  • Discounts on Natural Life.ie supplement Range
  • Accountability for your success
  • Small Classes 10 people in a class MAX
  • Hands on correction (when we’re not in a pandemic)
  • Expert instructors, with over 40 years experience between them
  • Support from an awesome community
  • Access to our Finesse Family Facebook Page
  • Encouragement
  • Non Judgmental environment
  • Fun!
Once you are set up as a member, we encourage you to download our app (need a link),  this is very handy to book your classes, Physical Therapy Appointments or to reschedule if you need to on the go.  Download it now if you like and get a head start.  Download App
If you cancel or reschedule your class or physical therapy session within 24 hours of your appointment it counts as a used session and you will be charged accordingly. This policy is strictly enforced with no exceptions. You may call our 24-hour time-stamped voicemail +353 87 7759805 even on Sunday or you can cancel by using our booking system App.

Please, if you are more than 5 minutes late don’t ring on the doorbell.  It’s disruptive to everyone else who is getting in the zone for their class.  Another important reason is that if you miss the warm up you increase your risk of injury.  We don’t like turning people away, but we do if they are more than 5 minutes late.  We appreciate its a bummer when this happens, but your safety and our clients class experience comes first. 

If a class is full, you can add your name to the waitlist. If a space opens, you will be automatically added to the class and an email will be sent to you. It is assumed you will take the space you have been allocated, if you wish to cancel you should do so in the normal way.


If you are added with less than 24 hours’ notice you can cancel without the class being deducted from your membership. 

This is done in consultation with your Pilates teacher and they will let you know when you are ready to move up to the next level.


Alternatively book in for a Private class to get a movement assessment so we can direct you into the right class for you.

Not sure where to start ?

Book a class
REformer Pilates

Book Appointment for Physio & Sports Rehab
