Womens Health Physio

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialised form of therapy that can help women. It is particularly beneficial at certain life stages, after having a baby or are going through menopause, for example. This type of therapy focuses on strengthening and rehabilitating the muscles that make up the pelvic floor. Here are some of the benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy for women in these two stages of life:
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Benefits for Women Who Have Just Had a Baby:

Benefits for Menopausal Women:

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Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a safe and effective treatment option for women. It can help improve pelvic floor muscle strength, reduce urinary incontinence, improve sexual function, and promote overall pelvic health. If you are experiencing any of these issues, speak to your healthcare provider about whether pelvic floor physiotherapy may be right for you.
Gabi Zlotnicka, will take a patient centred approach to your care and recovery. Gabi knows every person is different and so the approached needed to help reduce or eliminate the symptoms varies from person to person.

Martwisz się o nietrzymanie moczu? Odczuwasz nacisk w miednicy i ból w plecach? Doświadczasz bolesnego stosunku płciowego? A może niedawno urodziłaś dziecko i chcesz upewnić się, czy twoje mięśnie dna miednicy wróciły do normy? Kliknij tutaj

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